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Hello! I'm Adam.

I'm an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and an ISSA Bodybuilding Specialist who has been working 1-1 with clients since 2018.  My specialty and passion are in workout programming toward specific goals.  “There are two variables that equal progress:  program and commitment.  Commitment is up to the client, it’s the trainer’s responsibility to build the program that is specific to each client and that client’s goals.”


I specialize in:  Program creation and body recomposition (muscle gain, fat loss)


We will be a good fit, if:  You have specific goals, you are ready to make changes, and you want to progress faster than you will alone


Common clients are:  Young fathers who have been working out for years, women with grown children who want to keep up with growing grandchildren, and couples who recognize that training together provides even better results


Common results are:  Strength and body composition achievements that have not been attained in years of training, and ability to play with children and grandchildren, uninhibited


Interesting facts about me:  My life revolves around my faith first, my life revolves around my family second (wife, 4yo daughter, 1yo son), I am in the 1,000 lb club (350 lb squat / 265 lb bench press / 385 lb deadlift), and I move from Green Bay, WI to Winston-Salem, NC in 2024.


As a young college student, I used to spend up to 2 hours in the gym, up to 6 days per week.  Back then, I had plenty of time to spare (because I was a terrible student who never studied) and no greater passion in my life (I hadn’t surrendered all to God yet).  My love for exercise grew and I began to dream of one day being a personal trainer.  Little did I know the path God would lead me through to get there.


Then I started spending time with a girl.  I wanted her to workout with me.  She graciously tried to keep up with the amount of time I was spending in the gym, but it wasn't sustainable.  When she stopped being able to workout as often as I was, I was faced with the dilemma of choosing to spend my time in the gym, or with her.  Fortunately, I made the right choice and now she shares my last name.


As time went on, we struggled to find a balanced routine in the gym as we were both starting our careers, and learning how to be in a marriage (we didn’t learn quickly).  I realized my approach had to change.


That's when I dove into studying how to best achieve results without spending 12 hours per week in the gym.  There’s always more to the story, so follow me on IG for the latest.  But for years now, I only go to the gym 3 days per week.


My motivation is to help you do the same - achieve results with a good ROI for your time.  Maybe you used to be in great shape, but now life has become busy and it's been a long time since you've even exercised.  I've been there.  I desire to help you find a balanced schedule to achieve fitness results without living in the gym.



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